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Bloodstone vs Dragon Blood Jasper: What Are They?

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

When I first started getting into crystals, I thought Bloodstone and Dragon Blood Jasper were the same. But I was so wrong! These are two completely different stones…or rather minerals, but more on that later… with different physical and metaphysical properties. You can’t really blame me though, both of these stones not only look similar, they also have very similar names, and both are powerful protection stones. If you are also a little confused, I’m here to help! I have compiled some info on the difference between the two stones, and how they can help you in your everyday life.

What are Dragon Blood Jasper vs Bloodstone physical differences?

Although called a Jasper, Dragon Blood is actually cryptocrystalline quartz on an epidote green background with Red Jasper inclusions. More interestingly Dragon Blood is actually not even a rock, rather a mineral call silicate mineral. An easy analogy is a rock is a finished dish, while minerals are its ingredients. To make a rock, you need different minerals. In Dragon Blood Jasper’s case, it is actually a Chert, a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of micro quartz. The rock’s greenish color is from chromium, and the Red Jasper inclusions are from pockets of high-iron concentrate in silicate. Dragon Blood Jasper is also exclusively found in Western Australia, and is considered a rare healing & protection stone.

Bloodstone is also a mineral called heliotrope. Heliotrope is a dark-green variety of silica mineral Chalcedony. Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica that’s composed of fine intergrowths of moganite and quartz. The red and brown spots that form on Bloodstone are from impurities in iron oxide. Bloodstones are most commonly found in India, but you can also source them from many parts of the world, which makes this crystal much more affordable.

What are Dragon Blood Jasper vs Bloodstone metaphysical differences?

Dragon Blood Jasper is a rare and powerful healing crystal for the heart and root chakra. It wards of insecurities and self-double by promoting confidence and self-love. It can open the heart chakra to allow forgiveness for others and oneself. This stone was also used as a powerful talisman of protection for warriors going into battle. It is believed to give warriors the courage of a dragon. Physically Dragon Blood Jasper helps the body increase energy, strength, vitality, and endurance.

Bloodstone is also used as a protection stone, warding off negative energies both from physical and spiritual world. It provides its user guidance and courage, while helping to ease difficult situations. Needing a mental boost? Bloodstone can help motivate you to focus on the task at hand. This stone has also been used to stimulate the immune system to fight off infections, colds, and inflammation.

Light & love,


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