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7 Easy & Effective Methods to Cleanse Your Crystals

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

Crystals are not only beautiful, they are magical! Formed in nature in a process called crystallization, there are more than 4,000 crystals found all over the world. In the metaphysical space, crystals are used for healing, manifestation, releasing negative energies, protection, and more. However, in order for our crystals to take care of us, we in return need to take care of them.

Crystals can absorb and hold onto energy around them. This is why it is extremely important to properly cleanse your crystals when you receive them, and every once in awhile after. After the initial cleansing, you can either setup a cleansing schedule…think every month on the full moon. Or if you can sense your crystals clearly, cleanse them whenever your intuition guides you to do so. However, if you use your crystals often, especially if you are practicing healing with your crystals, you should cleanse them often.

There are several ways to cleanse your crystals, find the way that works best for you, but also do some research as crystals have different hardness and will react differently to different elements. I have listed some examples below, but it is always wise to do your own research before cleansing any of your crystals.

Here are 7 common, easy and effective ways to cleanse your crystals:

Sunlight: leave your crystals out in direct sun for a few hours. However, be sure these crystals are ok to be exposed to sunlight, as many will fade or become brittle under direct sun. Check out this post for a list of crystals that are ok to leave out in the sun, and ones you should avoid.

Salt water: salt water cleansing is considered one of the best ways to thoroughly cleanse your crystals. You can do so by fully submerging your crystal in sea water, or by mixing Himalayan salt with warm water (be sure to use a clean glass bowl). You want to soak your crystals anywhere between 1 hour to 24 hours. Like sunlight, salt can be too harsh for some crystals. You can also find a list here for crystals that can and cannot be cleansed using salt, or even just using water alone.

Sound: unlike the first two methods, this one is safe to practice on all of your crystals. In fact, all the listed practice below will be safe to use for all crystals. You can use sound frequency to cleanse your crystals and bring them into a new vibration. This is a method I like to use to cleanse my new crystal inventory, because it is affective and fast when dealing with large quantities of crystals (and yes, I cleanse all the crystals I sell beforehand!). You can use different types of sounds like tuning forks, bells, or even chanting. But my favorite is using a singing bowl. I do this for about 5 minutes or so, making sure the sound vibration can reach all of my crystals.

Moonlight: unlike the harsh sunlight, the soft moonlight is a safe method for all crystals. This is my favorite way to both cleanse and charge my personal crystals collection. However, be sure it is during a full moon, otherwise it will not be strong enough to properly cleanse your crystals.

Other crystals: if you are a lover of crystals, this one might be music to your ears. Because guess what? You can add a bigger slab of crystal to your collection and use it as a charging plate. This is especially helpful if you have a bunch of smaller crystals. Just set them on top of the larger slab, and leave them there. You don’t need to do anything extra. My favorite crystals to use here are Selenite, which is a potent cleansing crystal, and Clear Quartz, which is known as a master healer.

Smudging: burning sage or palo santo is an affective way to clear away any negative energy. This is my go-to whenever I want to cleanse my house of any negative energies. But this is also a great way to cleanse your crystals as well. After lighting your sage or palo santo, allow the smoke to surround the crystal for at least 30 seconds. Be sure to leave an open window or door near by so the negative energy has a place to escape.

Visualization: I left the easiest method last, but it is important to remember that you should only use this method if you are in a good space. Remember crystals will absorb energy, so if you are in a tough metal state, it will only be absorbed that energy into your crystals. But if you are in high frequency, then hold your crystal in your dominant hand, and take deep breaths until you feel grounded. Visualize a white light in your hand surrounding your crystal. Visualize the negative energy leaving the crystal, and send in pure and bright energy into your crystal. This is also a great way to strengthen your relationship with your crystal.

Love & light,


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